Tips Jitu Cara Mengajak Pacar Agar Mau Berhubungan Seks Intim
Portalgue- Tips Jitu Cara Mengajak Pacar Biar Mau Berhubungan Seks Intim
1. Tempat dan Situasi Yang Tepat
Tempat yang situasi merupakan faktor paling penting supaya pacar mau diajak ML. Tidak mungkin anda langsung menariknya ke WC umum dan tancap gas bukan?
Pacar anda akan mau berhubungan intim kalau dia merasa berada di tempat yang aman dan punya privasi. Dia harus yakin bahwa situasinya aman, dalam arti tidak akan diketahui oleh orang lain.
Kamar kost adalah tempat terbaik untuk melancarkan aksi anda. Tempat lain yang juga baik adalah rumah kosong, hotel, atau villa. Tapi tempat kost tetap paling bagus karena tingkat privasinya, dan juga murah. Banyak pacar yang tidak mau diajak ke hotel karena takut kelihatan orang dan dianggap mau diajak ML, padahal memang itu tujuannya bukan?
Jika anda tidak punya tempat kost, pinjamlah tempat kost teman anda selama satu hari. Jika pacar bisa diajak menginap, maka situasinya akan lebih baik lagi. Itu artinya anda pasti akan berhubungan intim.
Satu cara yang juga baik adalah dengan bepergian ke luar kota dan menginap. Situasi di luar kota sangat sempurna supaya pacar mau diajak ML.
2. Naikkan Birahinya
Nah, anda mungkin berpikir bahwa permainan dimulai saat ini, langsung sergap supaya pacar menjadi birahi.
Tidak tepat!
Menaikkan birahi pacar tidak harus secara fisik, apalagi jika anda mau membujuk supaya pacar mau diajak ML.
Wanita sangat mudah terangsang dengan pikirannya, dan telinganya. Hanya dengan berbicara pun anda dapat menaikkan birahi pacar. Pembicaraan yang menyenangkan dengan guyonan berbau seks adalah senjata ampuh untuk ini. Jangan lupa diselingi dengan aksi menggelitik.
Saat pacar anda tertawa dengan pembicaraan yang lucu dan menyenangkan, akan sangat mudah membuatnya terangsang secara alami dan memperbesar kemungkinan pacar mau diajak seks.
Jika anda punya fasilitasnya, nonton film adalah cara yang sangat ampuh untuk menaikkan birahi pacar. Tentu saja film mesum adalah pilihan terbaik. Tapi hati-hati, mungkin saja pacar anda justru marah saat diajak nonton film mesum.
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengatasi hal ini.
Pertama, manfaatkan kehebohan video mesum dan ajak dia menonton video mesum produksi dalam negri lewat handphone. Ini agak lebih mudah, karena semua orang sudah terbiasa dengan hal ini semenjak beredarnya video mesum Ariel.
Kedua, jika anda ingin mengajak pacar menonton film bokep hardcore, pastikan pacar dalam keadaan riang gembira dan hati yang senang. Anda bisa bercanda dengannya sebelum mengajak nonton film bokep. Berpura-puralah bahwa ide untuk nonton film bokep itu hanya sekedar terpikir pada saat itu saja, dan bukannya sudah direncanakan.
Ketiga, wanita tidak hanya terangsang dengan film bokep saja. Justru saya menyarankan untuk menonton film yang romantis, dengan beberapa adegan percintaan yang artistik. Film seperti ini sangat mempengaruhi perasaan wanita dan membakar birahinya dari dalam sehingga pacar mau diajak berhubungan intim.
3. Rayuan Gombal
Tentu saja ini adalah senjata paling mematikan bagi wanita. Mereka diciptakan untuk dibodohi dengan rayuan gombal. Untuk mengajak ML supaya pacar mau berhubungan intim, rayuan gombal adalah tumpuan harapan anda.
Sebagai seorang gombalis sejati, tentu rayuan anda tidak hanya terbatas pada kata-kata saja. Rahasianya adalah: AKTING!
Sebelum pacar anda mau berhubungan intim, dia harus mempercayai anda. Saat inilah kemampuan akting dibutuhkan untuk meyakinkan dirinya bahwa anda adalah seorang laki-laki sejati yang bisa dipercaya dan diandalkan.
Pegang tangannya dengan mesra, peluk dia dengan lembut, kecup keningnya dengan penuh kasih sayang dan katakan bahwa anda menyayanginya. Katakan bahwa anda merasa sangat nyaman bila dekat dengan dirinya. Katakan bahwa anda tidak akan meninggalkannya. Lakukan akting ini dengan meyakinkan. Walaupun birahi anda sudah di selangkangan ubun-ubun, usahakan untuk beraksi dengan lembut dan penuh perhatian.
Kalimat terakhir yang paling sakti, katakan bahwa anda akan menikahinya.
4. Buat Dia Enjoy
Agar pacar mau berhubungan intim, dia harus merasa nyaman dengan anda secara fisik. Karena itu mulailah aksi pemanasan dengan lembut, buat dia menikmati semua yang anda lakukan. Jangan langsung menyerang ke pusat komando, karena bisa-bisa dia mengaktifkan pertahanan berlapis.
Mulailah dari atas dengan ciuman-ciuman lembut sambil membisikkan pujian di telinganya. Bilang bahwa dia cantik, bilang baunya harum, bilang kulitnya lembut. Terserah, yang penting puji, puji, puji.
Saat anda mulai beraksi membuka bajunya, berhentilah beberapa saat untuk mendapatkan persetujuan. Pandang matanya dengan tatapan memelas (AKTING) sambil tangan anda membuka kancing bajunya dengan sangat perlahan. Cium lembut bibirnya sampai semua kancing terlepas. Ulangi sampai tak ada selembar kain pun menutupi dirinya.
Inti dari tahap ini adalah menyembunyikan birahi anda yang menggebu-gebu dan menggantinya dengan kelembutan (AKTING).
5. Bersambung
Anda tentu tidak ingin kesuksesan anda berakhir hanya sekali bukan? Anda pasti ingin pacar mau berhubungan intim kapan pun anda mau, apalagi kalau malah pacar yang mengajak ML.
Karena itu, agar hubungan intim anda berlanjut dengan baik, jangan egois. Jika pengalaman ML pertama pacar tidak menyenangkan, dia tidak akan suka diajak ML lagi. Berikan kenikmatan pada pacar, jangan buru-buru mengejar kenikmatan anda sendiri. Buat dia merasakan betapa nikmat dan menyenangkannya berhubungan intim. Buatlah agar pengalaman ML pertama pacar berlangsung selama mungkin, sehingga dia ketagihan untuk mengajak ML di kemudian hari.
Nah, bila anda mempraktekkan cara di atas, dijamin anda bisa berhubungan intim dengan pacar anda. Tapi tentu saja, dalam urusan seks dan cinta tidak hanya ada satu cara. Tunggu “tips dan cara mengajak ML agar pacar mau berhubungan intim” .
1. The Right Place and Situation The place that the situation is the most important factor so that a boyfriend would be invited ML. There's no way you pulled into a public restroom and not step on the gas? Your girlfriend will want to have sex if she feels are in a safe place and have privacy. He must be convinced that the situation is safe, in a sense not be known by others. Boarding room is the best place to launch your action. Another good place is an empty house, hotel, or villa. But still most good boarding places because the level of privacy, and also cheap. Many a girlfriend who did not want to be invited to the hotel for fear of looking men and was considered willing to ML, but that's the goal right? If you do not have a boarding house, boarding house where your friends borrow for one day. If the girlfriend can be invited to stay, then the situation will be even better. That means you would be having sex. One way that is good is by traveling out of town and stay overnight. The situation was perfect out of town so that a boyfriend would be invited ML. 2. Raise lust Well, you might think that the game starts now, direct-attack so that boyfriend becomes lust. Not exactly! Raising the lust boyfriend does not have to be physically, especially if you want to persuade the girlfriend so willing to ML. Women are very easily aroused with his mind, and ears. Only by talking too you can raise lust girlfriend. Pleasant conversation with a joke smelled of sex is a powerful weapon for this. Do not forget interspersed with intriguing action. When your girlfriend laugh with a funny and pleasant conversation, would very easily aroused him naturally and increase the likelihood of a girlfriend wanted to have sex. If you have the facilities, watch a movie is a powerful means to increase lust girlfriend. Of course gonzo movie is the best choice. But be careful, maybe your girlfriend just angry when asked to watch a nasty movie. There are several ways to overcome this. First, take advantage of video nasty furore and make him watch a video nasty of production in the country through the phone. It's a bit easier, because everyone is already accustomed to this since the release of a video nasty Ariel. Second, if you want to invite a girlfriend to watch the film bokep hardcore, make sure the girlfriend in a state of joyous and happy heart. You can joke with him before inviting movie bokep. Pretend that the idea for a movie bokep it just occurred at that time only, and not already planned. Third, women are not only aroused by the film bokep only. Instead I suggest to watch a romantic movie, with some scenes of artistic romance. Films like this really affect the feelings of a woman and lust burn from the inside so that the boyfriend wanted to have sex. 3. Bye Bye Of course this is the most lethal weapon for women. They were created to be fooled by flattery rag. To invite the ML so girlfriend want to have sex, seduction crap is your hopes. As a gombalis true, of course, your seduction are not just limited to words only. The secret is: ACTING! Before your girlfriend want to have sex, she must trust you. When this is the acting ability necessary to assure him that you are a real man who can be trusted and relied upon. Hold hands with intimate, hug her gently, kissed her forehead lovingly and say you love her. Say that you feel very comfortable when close to him. Say that you will not leave. Do this by convincing acting.Although the desire you have in the groin the crown, try to act with a gentle and caring. The last sentence of the most powerful, than say you will marry. 4. Make Him Enjoy For girlfriend want to have sex, she should feel comfortable with you physically.Since it began with a gentle heating action, for him to enjoy everything you do. Do not directly attack the command center, because he might turn on defense in depth. Start at the top with soft kisses in his ear as he whispered praise. Said that she was beautiful, said fragrance, said her skin soft. Whatever, the critical praise, praise, praise. When you begin to act to open her blouse, stop a while to get approval. Look at his eyes with a look of pleading (ACTING) while your hands to unbutton her blouse very slowly. Kiss her lips gently until all the buttons apart. Repeat until there was a piece of cloth to cover herself. The core of this stage is to hide your desire that the passionate and replace it with softness (ACTING). 5. Continued You certainly do not want to end up only once your success is not it? You'll want a boyfriend want to have sex whenever you want, especially if even a girlfriend who invites ML. Therefore, for your intimate relationship continue with the good, do not be selfish. If the first ML experience unpleasant boyfriend, he would not like to be invited again ML. Give the enjoyment of a girlfriend, do not rush to pursue your own pleasure. Make her feel how delicious and fun to have sex.Make the first ML experience boyfriend lasts as long as possible, so that he is addicted to invite ML at a later date. Well, if you practice the above, you are guaranteed to have sex with your girlfriend. But of course, in matters of sex and love not only one way. Wait for "tips and how to invite ML for boyfriend want to have sex."
1. The Right Place and Situation The place that the situation is the most important factor so that a boyfriend would be invited ML. There's no way you pulled into a public restroom and not step on the gas? Your girlfriend will want to have sex if she feels are in a safe place and have privacy. He must be convinced that the situation is safe, in a sense not be known by others. Boarding room is the best place to launch your action. Another good place is an empty house, hotel, or villa. But still most good boarding places because the level of privacy, and also cheap. Many a girlfriend who did not want to be invited to the hotel for fear of looking men and was considered willing to ML, but that's the goal right? If you do not have a boarding house, boarding house where your friends borrow for one day. If the girlfriend can be invited to stay, then the situation will be even better. That means you would be having sex. One way that is good is by traveling out of town and stay overnight. The situation was perfect out of town so that a boyfriend would be invited ML. 2. Raise lust Well, you might think that the game starts now, direct-attack so that boyfriend becomes lust. Not exactly! Raising the lust boyfriend does not have to be physically, especially if you want to persuade the girlfriend so willing to ML. Women are very easily aroused with his mind, and ears. Only by talking too you can raise lust girlfriend. Pleasant conversation with a joke smelled of sex is a powerful weapon for this. Do not forget interspersed with intriguing action. When your girlfriend laugh with a funny and pleasant conversation, would very easily aroused him naturally and increase the likelihood of a girlfriend wanted to have sex. If you have the facilities, watch a movie is a powerful means to increase lust girlfriend. Of course gonzo movie is the best choice. But be careful, maybe your girlfriend just angry when asked to watch a nasty movie. There are several ways to overcome this. First, take advantage of video nasty furore and make him watch a video nasty of production in the country through the phone. It's a bit easier, because everyone is already accustomed to this since the release of a video nasty Ariel. Second, if you want to invite a girlfriend to watch the film bokep hardcore, make sure the girlfriend in a state of joyous and happy heart. You can joke with him before inviting movie bokep. Pretend that the idea for a movie bokep it just occurred at that time only, and not already planned. Third, women are not only aroused by the film bokep only. Instead I suggest to watch a romantic movie, with some scenes of artistic romance. Films like this really affect the feelings of a woman and lust burn from the inside so that the boyfriend wanted to have sex. 3. Bye Bye Of course this is the most lethal weapon for women. They were created to be fooled by flattery rag. To invite the ML so girlfriend want to have sex, seduction crap is your hopes. As a gombalis true, of course, your seduction are not just limited to words only. The secret is: ACTING! Before your girlfriend want to have sex, she must trust you. When this is the acting ability necessary to assure him that you are a real man who can be trusted and relied upon. Hold hands with intimate, hug her gently, kissed her forehead lovingly and say you love her. Say that you feel very comfortable when close to him. Say that you will not leave. Do this by convincing acting.Although the desire you have in the groin the crown, try to act with a gentle and caring. The last sentence of the most powerful, than say you will marry. 4. Make Him Enjoy For girlfriend want to have sex, she should feel comfortable with you physically.Since it began with a gentle heating action, for him to enjoy everything you do. Do not directly attack the command center, because he might turn on defense in depth. Start at the top with soft kisses in his ear as he whispered praise. Said that she was beautiful, said fragrance, said her skin soft. Whatever, the critical praise, praise, praise. When you begin to act to open her blouse, stop a while to get approval. Look at his eyes with a look of pleading (ACTING) while your hands to unbutton her blouse very slowly. Kiss her lips gently until all the buttons apart. Repeat until there was a piece of cloth to cover herself. The core of this stage is to hide your desire that the passionate and replace it with softness (ACTING). 5. Continued You certainly do not want to end up only once your success is not it? You'll want a boyfriend want to have sex whenever you want, especially if even a girlfriend who invites ML. Therefore, for your intimate relationship continue with the good, do not be selfish. If the first ML experience unpleasant boyfriend, he would not like to be invited again ML. Give the enjoyment of a girlfriend, do not rush to pursue your own pleasure. Make her feel how delicious and fun to have sex.Make the first ML experience boyfriend lasts as long as possible, so that he is addicted to invite ML at a later date. Well, if you practice the above, you are guaranteed to have sex with your girlfriend. But of course, in matters of sex and love not only one way. Wait for "tips and how to invite ML for boyfriend want to have sex."
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